Pet Food Pantry
The Hill Country's SPCA's Pet Food Pantry program provides pet food to individuals or families in need.
The program is not intended for those with the financial means to purchase pet food.
Food Distribution Times
Food is distributed based on appointments Tuesday-Saturday. If you are unable to make it on one of these days and times, please call (830)990-9085 so other arrangements can be made
Pet food obtained through the program is not to be resold by anyone in the household or by any third party. Barcodes will be marked out, and in some cases food may be packaged into smaller bags. Any individual or family member who resells pantry food will immediately become indefinitely ineligible to receive pet food or any other services through the HCSPCA.
Pet Food
At the Hill Country SPCA, 2981 S. Hwy 16 Fredericksburg, TX 78624
You will come through the front lobby and let us know you have an pet food pickup appointment. A staff member will retrieve your food from our storage area and can assist in loading it into your car if needed.
After Hours Pickup- If you are unable to schedule pickup during regular business hours we are happy to arrange after hours pickup, where we will leave your food in a designated location outside the shelter. Please note food will be left out unattended, so we cannot grantee food will be where we left it.
Mobility Assistance- You may also call us at (830)990-9085 when you arrive and we will bring and load the food into your car. If requested in advance, we are happy to provide multiple smaller bags that are easier to lift.
Delivery - At this time we do not have active delivery volunteers, if delivery is needed please reach out to us via email with your location and we will make every attempt to facilitate delivery.
Due to limited supply we may be unable to assist walk-in requests for food.
No, unless you are receiving additional wellness services pets are best staying at home where they are most comfortable!
We strive to provide a one month supply of pet food. Food supplies may be limited and we cannot guarantee what or how much food will be available.
We will consider special requests for certain formulas or flavors of dog food (ie. senior, grain free, etc), but are only able to give what we have at the time the request is made.
One Time/Emergency Assistance - Anyone is eligible for one time assistance.
Short-Term Assistance- Available for individuals or families who are experiencing temporary financial hardship and cannot afford to purchase food for their pets fo the next 1-3 months.
Emergency Assistance is a one time food pickup, no prior application is needed.
Short-Term Assistance clients may return once a month, receiving assistance for a six-month period*, clients may be eligible to receive food for a longer period of time, but will be asked to update their information on file every 6 months.
*During this time families should not bring in/adopt new animals, the addition of new pets during this time will disqualify families for further assistance. -
Pets are not required to be Spayed/Neutered in order to receive One Time or Short Term assistance, however it is HIGHLY recommended. The Hill Country SPCA does have additional resources available that may qualify you for free spay/neuter services. Staff is more than happy to provide additional information on this program.
If assistance is requested after the short term assistance period has expired we may request proof of spay/neuter to continue providing services. -
At this time due to limited supply we are not able to provide Feral or Colony cat assistance.
We ask for limited personal information. Any information gathered is only accessible to our management team, and is kept in the strictest confidence. Your information will never be shared with any other individual or any other agency, unless you provide us with a written request to do so.
Call us at (830)990-9085 or email us at
Our pet food pantry is open to any pet owner in the Texas Hill Country or the surrounding areas that are experiencing economic or unexpected hardships. We do not require you live in a specific county/city, but you must be able to pickup from our shelter.
We do request that while receive pet food assistance you refrain from adopting or acquiring any new animals until you are able to fully provide for all pets in the home. In most circumstances acquiring a new pet while receiving assistance will result in termination of assistance.